Everyday when you head out there is at least one woman who wants to meet you.
Is that hard for you to believe?
Think your too fat?
Think your not good looking?
None of it matters.
As we go through our day we all see someone we would like to meet. Heck, I see several women at least every time I go out that I would like to talk to.
The exact same thing happens to women. As they go through their day they see guys that they wish would approach them.
Did you ever think that if you could identify that woman that you could make her dreams come true? Yes you could put a smile on her face and make her day.
All you have to do is take time to talk to her.
You are mostly likely caught up in your own thoughts to even notice these women. You probably believe that no woman would even want to check a guy like you out.
How wrong you are.
Here is what I want you to do.
Look around you and make eye contact with people. Dont just focus on what is ahead of you or what it is that you think you should be looking at. Make a strong non verbal connection with women. Give them a nice warm smile.
This shows her that you appreciate her feminine presence.
What will you see?
You will see some women who want to meet you. Some will give you strong eye contact back, some will smile at you, some will twirl their hair, and some will look down at your shoes. Now you have to come up with something to say to her.
What can you say? Focus on putting a smile on her face, making her feel good, and making her day.
Her are a few examples:
I seen you standing over here and I couldnt help notice how beautiful you are.
Hi. I couldnt help but notice you. I wanted to meet you.
Im Willy.
Hi. Im Willy. You seemed like someone I need to meet. I dont like to let chances like these pass me by.
Direct like this is very powerful when its done in the right way.
The idea is to be charming, but not desperate. Dont delay your approach. Being hesitant makes you look weak. Stand tall and walk casually. You need to look confident and sure of yourself.
This just may be the easiest and most natural way of meeting women.
About the Author (text)Tyler Moss teaches men how to flirt with women. How would you like to meet, date, and attract the woman of your dreams? Now you can by visiting http://www.charmingmanblog.com/
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